Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Sorry Blogspot, but I'm slowly movin' everything over to Tumblr for convenience's sake.

You've been good to me.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

"Behold, BHLDN"

As if I could not be more entranced and enamored with Anthropologie, they finally launched the much anticipated bridal line - BHLDN (pronounced 'beholden'). These beauties are sure giving J.Crew bridal gowns a run for their money.

I'm sure those creatives forces over at Antrho/BHLDN have only just begun with everything this line is going to be. Keep a drooling eye open, future-brides.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Confetti on the Mountain | Sebastiaan Bremer

Oh dear, these Sebastiaan Bremer works are so playful and carefree.

They remind me of Milanese piazzas during Carnival.
Confetti galore.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Wake up and pay attention. - Brent Green

Finally, it seems like more people are paying attention to Brent Green and his dark, quirky, nostalgia-invoking films.

This guy has been on my radar since his 2008 Sundance Film Festival performance with Califone. His 2010 feature-length release - Gravity Was Everywhere Back Then - has yet to make it to my eye stream, but it will be sure to not disappoint. The man built five houses in his Pennsylvania backyard for the set!

This short of Green's Carlin, gets me everytime. That whimpering voice, those scotch-taped corners, the lightbulb removal in stop-motion. Visual deliciousness.